Tuesday, September 8, 2015

"It's Too Quiet In Here!"

Roz announced this, and then offered to sing!!!!  Why, you ask?  

Everyone was busy...just doing what weavers do every Tuesday.  

  Now...don't get me wrong...there was chatter.  Just not too much chatter.

  Carol had pulled out the serger that is kept at the Studio...Jocelyn's placemats were ready to be cut apart.  They made quite the team!!!

  I was surprised to hear some folks say they had never used a serger.  Is that possible????  I guess we all have different tools in our toolbox.
  Tina is on the homestretch with the coverlet repair.  (It would be too easy on a noisy Tuesday to mis-treadle the tabby!!!!)  


  Bonnie is making great progress with her shawl warp, and those purples are amazing on Shirley's scarf!  It is a feast for the eyes!


  Sharon has really taken to kumihimo weaving!  She has finished two bracelets, and she's working on another design now.  Just another way to play with fiber and color!  Frieda's scarf is looking great on the rigid heddle loom.

   Now that Carl's rug are finished and upstairs in the shop, it's time to put another warp on the old barn loom!  Today he worked on sleying the reed.  That means that next week he'll be threading.  (Carl warps front to back.)

  I heard Darlene say that she is getting near the end of the throw on Big Bertha.  I wonder how much warp is left on that loom????


   There were lots of ooohhhs and ahhhhhs when Charlotte dropped by with her finished placemats.   She's been working on them on her loom at home, and we were all thrilled with the finished product.

Too quiet?  Sometimes....but, usually when we're eating!!!!  
......or, when we're weaving!!!!

Happy Weaving!


  1. Ah the industry of weavers on Tuesday! Some lovely things on the looms this week.

  2. Good for Carl :) It's nice to have a friend in the FtoB camp.
