Monday, August 3, 2015

More cats

Today is a holiday here in Canada. The August long weekend. This is the view out the window of the room I'm staying in. Too bad the wind's not blowing but I love seeing the red and white.

So last week I finally got to see 2 of the kittens my sister hand raised last year. Just to recall, here are a couple of them a year ago May when we flew up here to visit.
What a difference. Bear is big and such a sweetheart. She's fast and very agile. She was one that would not have survived more than an hour or so if my sister had not gotten them. Now she's one that is confident and playful.
As big and normal as Bear is, Zorro is huge. He's got to weigh 20 lbs!! He is the most tender hearted. Of course, because he has long hair, he sheds! My sister is highly allergic to cats, but these have wriggled their way into her heart and they are definitely all hers!!
The quilt is one my sister made. She's got lots of ideas and does a great job making them.
So what have I done this week? Not much of anything. I have spent time with family and finished a few of the handwoven pieces I brought along. With Mom not here now to care for, it's been such a different time. We're not controlled by the need to have her at dialysis, etc. It's just different. Sure would have loved for her to be here, but glad her need for dialysis is over.
I'm up here for awhile yet. Driving up 2000 miles to be here, it makes sense to be here awhile. I can't weave, but you can. Throw a few shots for me, ok?
Until next week,


  1. Cut cats! And shuttles will be thrown in your honor! Enjoy your time with friends and family.
