Thursday, April 16, 2015

Throw-Back Thursday

We go on many journeys in life, and they often lead us down some strange pathways. But, this pathway has been a real ray of sunshine in my life.
In the quest to learn the art of weaving, I have met some wonderful, gifted, caring people who share this love of fiber. But, we don't just WEAVE, we share our lives. Through this blog, you'll meet this crazy creative crew we call THE TUESDAY WEAVERS.
Come along on our journey as we discuss different patterns, threads, techniques and the use and care of our looms (or sometimes the rescue of old looms.) You'll get a peek into our studios, and maybe a house tour of rooms where looms are tucked. There's no such thing as too many looms!
Welcome to "Loomy Tunes"!!!!! 

  This is how we started this blog back on Wednesday, 18 November 2009.

And, look how much we have changed:


  I could go on and on....I found lots of pictures when I took my walk down Memory Lane this morning.  But, this all started because of the discussion we had at lunch on Tuesday.    I started thinking about my time at the weaving department at the Appalachian Arts Craft Center.  I came to learn to weave in September 2005, and I didn't leave.  I still show up most every Tuesday.
  I took pictures with my 35mm camera so I could have a visual memory of the warping process, and now I use my digital camera so I can share our day with others in this blog.

  As things have changed, they have also remained the same.  
  We still share our love of weaving with each other.

  We still share our knowledge of weaving with each other.

  And, I'm still thrilled to be part of this group.

Happy Weaving!


  1. Oh, I miss a lot of those people! Remember when we thought our little group was large and loud? And now look how it's grown!
