Thursday, April 2, 2015

April Showers

  The brief shower has passed, and the sun is back out in my neck of the woods. 
  This was my greeter when I arrived at the Peter's Cabin this morning at the Museum.  We were gearing up for 100 students from a local school.  These peacocks have to be the calmest creatures EVER!  They put up with a lot from the kids!  And, they never fail to give their best show.

  From inside the cabin, this was my view.  I did have a small fire going to ward off the chill and dampness...the adults in the group really appreciated that.  Today, I finished the 2nd linen ribbon for my 18th Century costume.  I've got to do my calculations for the warp for the Rocker Beater Loom this weekend.  It would be great if I could get that warp wound and get ready to dress the loom.  I've still got to tie more heddles before it can be threaded, though.
  Besides the school group, there were other visitors to the Museum today.  One couple was traveling through on their way to Lexington, KY, to visit their son.  This was the day they finally decided to stop....and I think they were glad they did.  They had a lot of great questions.  And, there were two sisters from Michigan that dropped by.  You just never know who you will meet at the Museum!

     My challenge place mats are sitting by the serger (still.)  It sure would be nice to get them completely done!!!!
  In the meantime, I put together another group of threads for another dozen placemats.....after all, I still have plenty of that fabric to use for weft!

And...I found the thread and threading I want to use for my napkin challenge........

Do you ever have this problem?  There are so many things I want to weave and just not enough time!!!!

I'll leave you with the parting shot of the ornamental magnolias that are by the driveway....they were not blooming during that little cold spell, and they are showing off big time right now!  The blooms on the big tree turned brown, and have fallen off the tree.  Sad........

  But, that's Spring for you!  The dogwoods are up next for the show, and I can tell they are going to be truly lovely in about a week!  The tulips are budding, too!

Enjoy all this beautiful color around might inspire your next warp!

Happy Weaving!

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