Monday, March 9, 2015

Pretty Amazing!

The last few years DH has been bringing a few orchids home. They're so pretty, bloom forever and make me feel like we are a bit sophisticated here at our home. Well, this week one of them bloomed again!! Isn't it gorgeous? I am so impressed. I have them in the same window as my african violets. There's something about the boxed out windows that make them happy. Apparently, the orchids are liking the space as well.
 The interesting thing about this plant is that it is a lilac orchid. Yup, the original flowers were purple. Is it something they put in the water to make them lilac? I'm curious now. I water them with my african violet water. The mystique part is true, for sure!! I have no idea how the color works..
 The windows face sort of northwest. Maybe it's just the right amount of light coming in. The box juts out 18 inches from the house and has glass on 3 sides. Maybe that's it. Whatever it is, I'm happy the plants are liking the space. My Mom would be so tickled.

On the weaving side, it's still a mess. I've woven off the second warp of rugs but haven't finished any yet. Here's that stack waiting to go to the serger. I'm using selvedges for weft so they're nice and fuzzy.
 The third warp is on the loom and I'll start weaving today. This is what part of the floor looks like. I spent most of Saturday going through bags of the stuff and winding the sections into balls. It'll make figuring out what to put together so much easier today. This warp is black so it won't matter what colors I weave. I can't wait to see what they look like. Planning the rugs, which colors to put together, in what order, is half the fun.
Then, once this warp is done, it's serger time for them all, then pinning the hem and sewing them before getting them inventoried.

After all the weather last week and the weeks before, yesterday was gorgeous, sunny, nice and warm. Today it's raining and it's supposed to rain most of the week. It doesn't matter. We'll take rain over sleet and snow any day!!
Until next week, keep weaving!!


  1. Your orchids are beautiful...I have never been able to get them to live! This rainy day is a good day to weave!

  2. Beautiful orchid. I am so convinced they'll die here (or get eaten or broken) I just never bother with indoor plants. That is one heap O rug stuff!
