Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Green Tuesday

There was a lot of green in the studio today!  We are always glad just to be together!
  Advice is always at hand when you need it...just ask Barb!   And, Casey is coming right along with her new warp....love that green!
  We welcomed Anna to our group today...she has moved to our neck of the woods, and wanted to meet some fellow weavers.    She even brought some indigo seeds to share with us!

 Elsewhere in the studio, it is business as usual. 

  We are getting ready for a Dye Day at the studio at the end of the month.  Charlotte stepped up to wind some warps in preparation for painting.

  Carl was hard at work on the barn loom....those blue jeans sure look great with that blue warp!

And, Ray is working on more place mats for the shop.

Everywhere you looked, weavers were busy, busy, busy!!!

With a little help from Marie, Linda got everything back in working order.  (Yes, that's a green eye patch!)

  For Share Time today, Sharon and Bonnie had new scarves to show to everyone.


  By the way, thank you, Christy!  She inventoried all the jars of dye in preparation for the upcoming Dye Day.
  And, thank you, Marie.....I know doing the inventory was a big undertaking!  You've done a great job!

I did say it was "Green Tuesday" ....right?  Thanks to Ms. Ila and her Grasshopper Pies, it was a great green Tuesday!!!!

Thank you, Ms. Ila!

I hope you're seeing a little green in your neck of the woods!

Happy Weaving!