Friday, January 23, 2015

Evolution of an Inkle Project

I had a post planned about the progress I had made in the Studio overhaul.  The trouble is that, right now I am at that place where it is so much worse than it was when I started, and I want to get a little further along before I post update pictures.

I have been working a little bit more this week on the Leclerc Floor Inkle loom that I bought last year.  I am slowly increasing the length of my warps, and I am really careful that I use shiny slippy thread like yarn.  My Tuesday Weavers friend Christy, is the queen of inkle bookmarks, and I in no way want to infringe on her territory.  So I thought that I might see just how skinny I can go and keep my edges decent.

I am a bit limited on my color choices just now, so I grabbed a couple of colors and went to town.

I wove a little bit of ribbon (it is much smaller than it appears, maybe 1/2 inch.) and really, I wasn't happy with it.  I took out the heddles and had a little bit of fun with the color order, moving them around by two's but making sure to keep the same ratio of heddled and non heddled threads.
It was really easy to do!  It went from this…...

 to this!

I took my time replacing the heddles, I wanted to get it right the first no second time.  I moved the warp close to the edge of the loom so that I could easily get the string heddles back on.  As I finished each pair, I moved them back into weaving position.  Once that was done, I slowly moved the new thread order around the loom, moving from peg to peg.
If you biggify the photo on the right you can see the new pattern on the lower part of the photo and the old pattern at the top of the photo.

Next time I think I will add a third color, maybe a bit of white, either a stripe or maybe dots, but for this ribbon, I think I like it.  Once I finish redoing the studio, I will finish this weave and put on another warp, a little thinner and a little longer.

Onward and upward!

Until next time, Happy Spinning, Knitting and Weaving, Tina

1 comment:

  1. I've got some perle cotton I'll bring you on rainbow colors!!!
