Tuesday, December 16, 2014

What's Going On At The Studio?

Just take a look.....what a busy, lovely sight to see!
Little Christmas Lamb wanted to see all the sights, too.

No, Lammie, that's not weaving.  That's Reindeer Poop.  It's good to munch on to keep up your energy while you weave...... right-- Linda?

And, you can see Karin's pictures of her warp on her loom at home.

  Meet our "not new" weaver, Darlene.  She's joining the Tuesday Weavers, and will be working on the black warp.  Carol has pulled out five colors of 8/4 to use for weft.

  This is Molly....she finished up the mug rug warp from Foothills.  Wonder what will be next????

  Ms. Ila is threading a warp for three shawls.  You know they will be lovely.

  Karin retied her warp, and started her corduroy rug, again.  Little Lambs have trouble tying knots....no thumbs!

  No knots here!  You just wind the warp on the board!  Say "hello" to our new weaver, Sharon.  Carol got her started on her first warp today.

Don't get too close to the rag cutter!  It's very sharp!  Christy helped Carl guide the joined strips of blue jeans through the cutter.....that's another blue jean rug for you!!!!!

  I think there might be some wool in this warp, Lammie.  Marie will have it finished soon!

  Yes, this is a cheerful place to be!  Shirley and Bonnie  had a great time today!

Jocelyn's friend, Carol, is going to start weaving with us in January.  They really loved seeing Betsy's towel warp.

  WOW!!!!  How do you get from one side to another????  Lammie really wanted to try out that sliding bench!

Roz got there just in time to show off her scarf warp.

  Yes, more knots.....but Lanny is all ready to start weaving more towels! 

That's hemstitching....and that means that Sharon is ready to start another placemat.  So much to learn!


  And, this is all that was left of the brownies that Sharon brought us today!  It's very important to hydrate and eat while you weave!!!!!

Happy Weaving!


  1. awww no lammie in the pic with Marie and wool warp?

  2. awww no lammie in the pic with Marie and wool warp?

  3. LOL, so NOW we know who kids the shop on all the other days of the week! :)
