Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Looking Forward To A New Year!

  Molly finished up the mug rugs from the Foothills show, and they're ready to go upstairs.  That's one finished project in the books!

Betsy wanted to start a new project:  learn to weave on the Inkle Loom.  She got her heddles made and chose 3 colors of 8/4 for her project.  It didn't take too long to get the loom threaded.
  Margi was taking this all in, too.  She might like to try weaving on an Inkle loom later.

  Ms. Ila finished up her shawl project and brought it to show us. 

  A visit from a local Boy Scout troop added a lot of excitement to our morning!  It's always fun to show off our barn loom and the rocker beater loom.  Carl and Ray answered lots of questions from the boys.

  With so many different looms to see, and all the different projects on each of them, the boys went from person to person....loom to loom.

  Karin even got one of the Scouts weaving on her rug warp.

  With all the different looms in the Studio, the Scouts got a good look at different kinds of weaving.

  We adjourned to the Museum of Appalachia for lunch.  There was a nip in the air, which made the fireplace one of the favorite places to stand!

  While we were all together, we had a chance to talk about plans for next year.  There's always new things to learn in weaving, and we threw out suggestions for things we'd like to do.

  We'll start next week with a quick lesson from Tina about spinning.

Then, back to the Center to unload the linen we had bought from one of our East Tennessee weavers that is cleaning out her stash.

  Different weights and some colors gave the weavers lots of choices.  It was Christmas all over again.

  I guess we'll be talking about weaving with linen in the near future!!!!

New ideas.....new projects......a new year!

Happy Weaving!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Weaving to all of you too. I so enjoy the Tuesday Weavers blog, it is a staple of my daily computer life. Hoping you all have a fantastic 2015. Group cyber hug to all! OOOHHHH, linen. Lucky weavers! I love weaving with it, although I usually put it on a cottolin or cotton warp simple because it is spendy.
