Monday, December 8, 2014

Bits and Pieces

I give LouAnn the thrums that are the end of my warps. They're never really long at all but she knots them together, end on end and adds them to other yarns to spin novelty yarns that she either knits or weaves. I do alot of warps each year so her little stash is fairly interesting although alot of them are black, it seems.
So why are they not very long? Well, I do plan my warps pretty carefully so there usually isn't much left after I've woven my projects but sometimes there is a section at the end where I could weave at least 12 inches. I weave til the end of the warp is a few inches from the heddles.
So I weave it. I serge the raw edges like everything else, wash them and then put them in a stash to figure out what to do with them later.
The time came to do something with some of them.
I've been having fun making little handbags to sell.

This past week I got 7 of them done. They need tags and inventory numbers before I take them anywhere but they are finished, ready to go.
 Lining them is a lot of fun. Figuring out which color would look best with the outside fabric is time consuming because you want something that looks just right.
Then there's the button closure. Which one will work best for it. Buttons with a shank are the best so I searched my button collection for ones that looked good with the fabrics.
Not sure how much weaving will happen this week but it's on my list to do.
There's that placemat warp that's been on the loom for way too long that I somehow manage to avoid is starting to bug me. Guess it's time! We have that challenge to weave a set of 12 placemats by end of September and I think there are probably 12 placemats on this warp. At least I hope so. That way I could get it done early. Imagine that!
Once I start weaving them I"ll post a picture....
Until next week, stay warm and keep weaving!


  1. Those bags look great! And, they do match your vests and jackets, so I'm sure they'll be a hit!

  2. Love those bags. What a great use for leftover yarn.
