Monday, October 20, 2014

I'm Back, Sort of!

 I haven't been posting much lately. It's been a very different few months for me. First, I was in Canada from the last part of August until late in September for my annual trip to see my family. It was so much fun seeing my new grand niece who was born on my birthday!! Also, a wedding and most of all seeing my Mom, sister and the rest of the family.
I came back home about September 20 and by the 27th my Mom had passed away so I flew back up to Moose Jaw for the funeral. It's hard to say goodbye to wonderful Mother who was always there for you.

The time I was at home here, I was busy trying to finish handwovens for my show in Asheville this past week. I didn't have anything really to show except the black pieces I was working on!!
I just got back last night and am slowly catching up on things again!

As always, I had my booth filled with a variety of handwovens. I already had alot of colors but needed black to fill in so that's why I'd been weaving the black pieces.
 It's hard to take pictures of the booth with the lighting that we have. I had alot of lights aimed at the pieces and it looks good at the show but trying to take pictures is another story!
 Besides cotton, I weave with bamboo sometimes. It's been so much fun dyeing the yarns and weaving  the pieces to see how they turn out. Each one is different.
Notice as well, on the floor is the main power box for my section of the room with cords plugged in. I was not impressed. Originally, it was standing up and further into the booth space. I guess it was my turn for it but they certainly did not plan the booth layout to work well with the power sources. Maybe next time!
 So what did I look at while I was sitting there? The dulcimers were very pretty and if I played, I'd have been tempted. Thankfully, the chair caners were further from my booth this time. Other years I've been alot closer and I have several of their pieces now. I love how they look. They use old chairs and re cane them. The variety is quite amazing!

This booth was amazing. She does nuno felting clothes, very creatively. Having done that bit of felting with Geri Forkner, I sure could appreciate what she was doing. She took her first felting class with Geri sooooo, does that mean we could do this as well? Maybe, but I don't think my hands could do it. It's hard on your arms and hands. On her rug she has the pattern that she uses to start the felting process for a jacket. It's amazing how much the wool and silk shrink to become a jacket. Wish I could afford one of her pieces!!
So the Guild Fair is over again for another year. I became a member in 1985 and have done the show all but maybe 3 times in all that time. The show is in July and October and I do both. You make good friends with alot of other crafters and it's always wonderful to catch up with them each time.

This week I will fly back to Moose Jaw. My sister and I have things we need to go through and it's better to do it now, before it snows!!, so I am going to go for a week. If I can, I'll write something next Monday but if I can't, it'll be a week  after that.
I have so many things I'd like to weave, empty looms, get warps on know how it is. Too many ideas, not enough time!
There's one more show to get ready for and the Tuesday Weavers will be having their own booth as well, next to mine! It's going to be fun. Thankfully, we have a few weeks before that happens so I can replenish some of my things now that the show is done!
So, until next week, keep weaving while I fly north again!

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