Thursday, September 18, 2014

Plugging Away

  This was our view from the porch of the Peter's Cabin at 8:30 Friday morning!  Can you believe that line of folks waiting to get into the Antique Show?  And, since these people were there for the show, it was slow up at the cabin....which gave us an opportunity to take a quick stroll around the stalls to see all the cool items in the booths.  Tina and I took turns coming back and sending the other off to see certain items.  (There's an apron to tell you about at a later date!!!)

  I got the opportunity to talk with Kris (the lady in the foreground) about her costume.  She made it along with the ladies' costumes in this booth.  She even gave me a close up look at her fichu and cap!  Yes, Tina and I will be sporting these for future shows!!!  In fact, Tina and I are working on some outfits to wear for these special events that are more appropriate for the late 18th century.

  The pattern that Tammy and Kris told me about has already arrived, in fact!  It even gives the order the items should be put on when you get dressed!
  Now, don't get me wrong....we aren't going all authentic here!!!  I'm not going to hand sew an entire outfit!!!!  (But, I am going to keep my eye out for any old linen table cloths that could be used for the fabric!)
  I will be able to weave some "tape" on the Inkle loom this winter while we're in the Peter's cabin...that's authentic!

  I just had to share this picture of Tina's display at the cabin.  This is my favorite fleece!  When it was lying on Tina's kitchen floor, it looked just like Capt. Jack Sparrow..dreadlocks and all...but, you can see that it became some beautiful yarn!

  Just lovely.

  Tina already told you about my s-l-o-w weaving on Saturday.  These are the two rugs I cut off Friday afternoon.  They have been airing on the porch since then.  I'd like to get the fringes tied and twisted today so they will be DONE!

  For the next few weeks, I'll continue to weave slowly.....there's a nice runner's worth left on the warp.  Then, I can get the loom ready for the winter.  My plan is to tie on a new warp to this one next spring.  I like the width, and I love multi-colored warps!

Now, for true confessions:  I need more practice on weaving in the ends of the mobius scarf.

  I like the check....but, it's not square!
Help!!!!  Oh, did a great job teaching this scarf, I just need to be careful with the tension when I weave the end.

Guess that means I'll have to try another one......

Happy Weaving!


  1. Lat year's antique show was blown away by a horrific storm. This year's looks much more peaceful.
    Do you think blocking that mobius would help?

  2. Learning is most of the fun. Looks fine to me.
