Monday, June 16, 2014

More New Books!

You know how you often get emails from Amazon suggesting books you might like to get? Well, I usually just delete those without looking at the email but recently I got one that would contain new craft books to look at. I clicked on it to see and it suggested a book which I looked at. Then in scrolling through the information found another book.....long story short, there were 3 new weaving books I hadn't known were out there. They came this past week!
Each book is different but with information that's great to have. Each book approaches weaving differently. They're all good reference books to have and filled with pictures and information, how tos, guides to inspire and stretch our weaving abilities.

First, The Techniques and Art of Weaving by Marylene Brahic.  I think this book is from Spain although it talks about islands where weaving is done as well. Tons of pictures explain how these people learnt to weave. Didn't see a warping board on any pictures! 
It starts with pictures of looms, even measurements if you want to build one. Then it goes into weaving, getting warps on the loom and then some weave structures.
In a way, this book reminds me of what was woven in the 60s but with a twist. It's a definite European flare in information and style.
Not everyone weaves the way we do. This book is definitely one that has some different ways of getting a warp on the loom. Information is knowledge and as weavers we need that knowledge.
I like this book because it's got a ton of information and I think the more we know, the better weavers we'll be. If you want to have a comprehensive weaving library, this book is sure one that would fit in nicely. I'm looking forward to reading it more carefully.
On an interesting aside, under the Bibliography it has no books. Instead it says:  "Unfortunately, very little has been written about weaving and even less in book form with step-by-step instructions and an educational guide. However, in the United States, and in countries in Northern Europe, especially in Finland and Norway, there are magazines dedicated to the topic." 
Hm, my library begs to differ on that. However, the book was originally published in Spain in 1992. I don't think they really checked for a bibliography last year when they republished it in english. It's still a good book but maybe that's why it seems to have an older twist when it comes to the projects. It's still a good book that's worthy of my shelves. Weaving hasn't really changed over the years and this book is a good instructional addition to the library!
 The second book is Woven Textile Design by Jan Shenton. It's all about weave structures. From plain to twill to weave distortions to double weave, this book covers alot of ground on different structures and possibilities. This is the kind of book you have to sit down and really read. It's got lots of information that's easy to look at but to understand it all, it's going to be one where you get a cup of coffee and sit down on a comfortable chair for awhile and just read. It has some structures in there I hadn't thought of considering or even knew were possible. The chapter on weave distortions is fascinating. I hadn't thought of that possibility. The pictures help you figure out how to adapt your loom to try it.....
Again, a book that's great for a weaving library!
 The Weaver's Weevil by Rebecca Fox is one that could be used now without alot of researching or reading. Her idea is to use your stash of 8/2 yarns! She starts with some color theory and then goes on to show how to mix the colors in your warp to give an interesting fabric once you weave it. Usually her projects are handtowels, scarves, things that one usually thinks of when using 8/2 cotton. I suspect if you used some of these patterns, your stash would be depleted very quickly! The ideas are good, well explained and possibilities are fun to think about. This is a book that a fairly new weaver would get alot of use out of. I think it would help reassure you that what you're doing is going to work. Insecurity is the enemy of new weavers and this book sure encourages one to try to mix yarns, lay them out in a pleasing manner and winding that warp will result in a nice finished product.
So that's it on new books for now. I suspect there may be some more but I haven't seen them yet. I'll take these along tomorrow to the center for everyone to see. I suspect there will be some interesting comments on them but I also suspect that this last book will be the one that some of them will want to buy.
I am weaving as much as I possibly can right now. I've got about another week that I can weave before we get company and life changes til the end of July. It's always that way in summer for me. I get as much done as I can but it kind of goes on a back burner while we have friends from Europe in for a few weeks....
Until next week,
Keep Weaving!


  1. Your right, it is the last book I am interested in seeing! I hope you can bring them week after next as well!

  2. Just bought a copy of The Weaver's Weevil after your review as it will be useful for ideas for samples. Of course my buying didn't stop there! After about an hour I've put loads of books on my wish list!!!

  3. How timely! I was looking at The Weaver's Weevil yesterday and also some Swedish books on Vavstuga's site. The weaving structure book contain drafts or just theory?

  4. Hi, i am Marylène Brahic. I am a weaver, i am french but i live in Spain (Canary Islands). In 1992, an editorial from Barcelona asked me to write a book about weaving and i did "El Telar" because in South Europe there are very very few books about weaving and no magazines.
    Then, i translate it in french and a french editor (Grund) published it 2 years later.
    And last year, i saw in internet that an us editor translated and published it in english. It's a pity they didn't contact with me, because as you say in your blog, it's a little bit "old fashion" now and if i know they want to edit again the book, i could have renew a lot of things and make it more actual.
    But nobody contacted with me so, it's a good book about weaving but with a vintage look! hahahaha!!!!!
    I am pleased if you liked it and thank you a lot for your appreciations.
    Best regards, happy weavings! Marylène.
