Thursday, March 20, 2014

....and don't let the screen door hit you on the way out!!!!

I'm ready for the Big Dance!
   No, no, no.....not basketball!  Spring begins today, and I'm ready to dance in the sunshine!!!  And, we actually have some sunshine to dance in, thank goodness!  I don't care if the neighbors think I have finally gone around the bend....I want to celebrate the end of this winter!
  (I saw the projected forecast for next week, and I think that winter might try to make an end run, but, surely that will be short lived!)

 I went to the Museum of Appalachia yesterday to start getting the Loom House ready for the new season.  Since it is basically open, there were leaves and nut hulls caught under the loom and in the corners.

  The partly cloudy forecast proved to be mainly cloudy with large gusts of wind.  Every time I swept up a pile of debris, the wind would blow it back to the corners.  I finally just worked in small areas, and swept up the worst of the winter trash.  I had a peacock that kept a close eye on each dust pan I threw out! 
  I also wiped down the loom and checked on the heddles.  I think we are ready for the new warp!


  Of course, one of my favorite things about the Museum during the Spring are the lambs.  I've lost count of how many so far, but you can see them in the field like little shadows.
  Carl and I even drove over Tuesday afternoon after weaving to catch a sight of these cute little balls of fiber.

  I didn't stay too long at the Museum, though.  I needed to get home to my Grandpuppy.  Scout is staying the week with me while her parents are at the beach.  She's been watching for those signs of Spring, too. 
  You'll notice that the ornamental magnolia made it through the cold weather last weekend, and is in full bloom.    The sun comes up in the mornings right between the branches, and it is a welcome sight!!!
  I think that Scout and I will clean the porch today.....oh yes, and we're going to do our happy dance at 12:57 p.m. EDT.
Welcome Spring.....bye-bye Winter!!!!

Happy Weaving! (and dancing!)

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