Friday, February 7, 2014

Now Don't be Shocked!

I actually made it up to the weaving studio today!  I know, I couldn't believe it either!  I didn't get to actual weaving, but I did sit at one of the looms and resley the reed to a more open weave.  I have gotten a chance to see several of my Baby Blankets in the wild, and I noticed that they were pretty firm, and it had always bothered me that they lost so much width once they were washed!  I took a look at the loom and reed in question, a Burchard counterbalance from Berkley, CA, and I realized that I could gain a several inches in width if I was really careful with the calculations!

Out came the calculator, I had 457 ends and I wanted to take them all the way to 40 inches.  So, instead of the 12 epi I had in the reed originally I went to 12/11/11epi.  I ended up with a few empty dents, but I didn't think that the 1/2 inch was worth going back through the process again.  I am now tying on this new width, and soon I will do a sample blanket to see how it holds up with this new width.

I did something else shocking this week,  I decided to sell my Kromski Minstrel.  I am head over heels in love with antique spinning wheels, and in order to have the room to house them, (and the funds to buy them), some of the modern wheels have to go!

 The Minstrel is a versatile wheel, which can be used for super lace wt yarn all the way to fairly bulky yarn, it can do that because it has 2 different whorls to choose from.  To make art yarn you can purchase a bulky flyer from the Woolery.  If you are just starting out in the spinning world, this wheel can grow with you!
It comes with the standard flyer and 3 bobbins, and a double treadle with smooth action.  The distaff and the double drive/scotch tension option are both  in good order, I have used both!
 I purchased the wheel last summer and have done a couple of upgrades which  brings my rock bottom price to $350.  I really would like to sell this locally, Knoxville area, but I am able and willing to drive to meet someone half way.  I do not want to break it down to ship!!!!!
I am going to sweeten the pot with free weekly spinning lessons, until you feel comfortable going it alone!  If you are interested, I will be watching the comments, or if you know me you can call me!

Until next time, Happy Weaving and Spinning, Tina

P.S. I almost forgot it was my day to post!  Now that would be shocking!

1 comment:

  1. I'm interested to hear how the new EPI holds up after the washing. The added width will be nice. That's a lovely little wheel!!!!!
