Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Keep Warm and Weave On!

  Or, we could title this:  It's 10:00 a.m.  Do you know where your weavers are?
(We set a record for this date with a low temp of 2 degrees this morning.  The Center is closed due to the extreme cold.)

  The call went out over the internet yesterday afternoon:  send me a picture of your project at home.  As always, the weavers came through!

  Ann has three slub cotton afghans with hand-dyed stripes that are finished....she was going to wind a new warp during the game last night.

Linda B. is weaving a scarf.  She said that the colors look more true on the shuttle.


  Tina has acquired a Navajo spindle (which I'm sure we'll hear more about on Friday!!!)  That wood stove looks warm!

Sharen finished a shawl on her rigid heddle, and is now working on a scarf.

She's also started her once a year sock knitting project.

Cindy wove 4 placemats, and then tied on more warp for a table runner!

  Carol didn't have a picture of her newest warp yet.  But, it's a 22 yard natural warp for curtains.  I just bet we'll hear more about that next Monday!!!!

Eiko also wrote me that she didn't have anything on her loom just yet.....she's getting a warp ready.

  Karin is still working on her mats on the table loom, and she has a scarf on her Cricket.  Those little looms sure come in handy!

  Maggie is beading her hem.....WOW!  Now that's paying attention to detail!

That is looking so nice!!!

Jocelyn wrote that she is dressing her loom for the very first time at home!

Let's all send her some positive vibes........

That first time all by yourself is a little scary!

Me.....I'm threading.  This is a long overdue yardage warp for a friend.  The fireplace makes it much nicer.

  My best fiber buddy (and sister) texted me this morning to make sure I was doing OK....she saw that it was just 2 degrees here.
  Sure....I was just getting ready to blog...so what fiber project did she have going????
  A cloche....of course!!!  Now, that would come in very handy in this neck of the woods!

  I think Sweetie has the right idea.....find a little ray of sunshine, and just take it easy.  I'll see all of my weaving friends next Tuesday.
  In the meantime..........
Stay Warm!
Weave On!!!


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