Monday, January 20, 2014

Just all the finishing left!

Don't you just love it when you see that apron come up over the back beam and inch toward the heddles? I sure do, especially with this project. I got the second batch of 10 curtain panels woven and had some left over to play with. So that's what I did while the apron inched its way up toward the heddles!
 I'd threaded the loom with rose path so this time I wove about the last, extra 40 inches with red yarn. Very nice and Christmasy, I think. This fabric will become something to sell next fall. Not sure what, but it's going to be fun to experiment and see what can be done with it! I've got the same in blue from the other warp as well.
 The curtains are all wound up on the cloth beam, each one separated by 2 rows of the cheapest, thinnest toilet paper that I can find. Works perfectly for what I need!
Now all the serging, repairing, washing, then measuring, pinning and sewing the casings and hems to make these panels ready to be hung up in the cabins in spring!
So what's next? Not much weaving! I'm heading north again this week to see my family. I'm taking my new ipad air along and hope to write on it next week. However, I tried today and couldn't figure out how to get the pictures to go on there. I'm taking it along tomorrow to weaving and just hope that someone there will know how to do it!! I'm not exactly computer savvy.
Until next week, stay warm!! and weave on!


  1. Laura Fry is visiting here in Gatlinburg and if the weather is cooperating tomorrow we would like to come visit if that would be ok. Is there a time that would be best for us to come? It would be 3 or 4 of us; Laura Fry, Nancy Thompson, Frances Fox and Cindy Dietzen. Thank you! Cindy

  2. You all are welcome anytime: we're there from 10:00-2:00. We eat lunch at noon. Carol- the curtains are going to look great in the cabins!
