Thursday, January 30, 2014

How I Spent My Snow Days

  I'm sure everyone has heard about the winter weather here in the has been a great topic of conversation on the morning shows and Facebook.  I feel for the folks in those places where winter weather usually means just colder temps....they got a dose of those plus frosty flakes and ice.
  The picture on the left was taken by Tomas Staffen at the Rainbow Falls in the Great Smoky Mountains.    The effect of below freezing temps for several days turned this waterfall into a giant ice sculpture. 
  I did not wander outside except to refill the bird feeders!    But, today I will resume my regular life, although my back yard still has plenty of snow.

  I would love to say I stayed real busy during these two days.....but, the truth is, I did a lot of reading!  And, it's all the fault of Weaving Today!!!!
  Oh, yes......I opened up an email from Weaving Today and saw:  5 for $5.

A video download for Anita Mayer made it into my cart.  Pat had gone to her workshop last year, and she came away with so many great ideas.  What a great opportunity to take a look at her creations!

Jane Patrick's book has lots of projects to weave without looms...what a fun book!

I had been wanting to see Sara Lamb's book, Woven Treasures, for a while.  I follow her blog, Woven Thoughts, and I am in awe of her spinning and weaving knowledge.  I can just see her out in her yurt warping her loom!
  Needless to say, I have really enjoyed this book!  And, I've picked up some pointers on finishing the bags that I want to try with my projects.
  And, since two of these are eBooks, they can just stay on my least I'll know exactly where they are when I need them.

My secret is out....I didn't get a lot of weaving done, but I did enjoy my time with some new resources.

  I hope you are staying warm, and doing just what you want to do!
Happy Weaving (and reading!)


  1. I think that reading is a really productive way to spend your snow day! All that information is going to come in handy sooner or later. :)

  2. Honestly, when I saw your first picture, I thought you'd gone ice climbing! But reading the day away was much more sensible. I still think you should have gotten the pet issue. Only $2.99!
