Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Where's That Wing Nut????

Hey Marie......do you know what happened to the wing nut from Betsy's loom?

Inquiring minds want to know.

It's not in Christy's tote bag.......

(Just to be honest, this picture was taken first thing this morning....before the wing nut mystery.)

Hey look!  Christy matches Ms. Ila's warp!

Christy was trying to decide how she was going to weave this scarf....I believe she decided that a twill would work nicely.



  Meanwhile, Carl got busy cutting his panel of joined blue jean legs into strips for his next rug.  Pat is on the other end--her job is to keep the panel moving.

Then it's time to tag team Ann's rocker loom!

Julia, Marie and Pat got on one side to hold the warp threads, and Ann winds on the warp and place the sticks between the layers.

  But, they weren't through just yet........

......it's time to wind on the warp for Tina's loom.

*****It was about this time that Betsy found a bolt on the floor by her loom.  But, where does that bolt belong????

  Karin and Teresa were weaving away on their projects.  They weren't worried about any bolts...or wing nuts.

This is the view from the front of Karin's loom.  Don't you just love this!!!

Linda was back with us today, and got right to work on the placemat warp. 

And, Linda stayed busy with her blue jean rug.....or, at least until she had some problem with her treadles.  (No, it wasn't a bolt OR a wing nut.)     
  YES, she did get under her loom....and, YES, I got a picture.  But I get a lot of flack when I post those pictures.

But, I DID get this shot of Tina fixing Linda's treadle!!!!
   Just not from the other side!

Is there a wing nut under there????
Is she missing a bolt?

   Finally, the mystery was solved. 
Marie had found a wing nut on the floor, and not finding where it had come from, used it on her beater bar.  When Betsy found the bolt on the floor this week, we found where it had come from the side of her loom.....it just needed a wing nut......the one that Marie had found a couple of weeks ago and put to good use.

  And, with all this great drama going on, our new student, Bonnie was just weaving away.  In fact, she cut off her first warp today!  Congratulations!!!!!

It's always a great time........
Happy Weaving!


  1. Miss being there with you guys. LouAnn didn't see you. I know, you are the picture taker.

  2. You loock to have ar really nice time.

    Hugs from Barbro

  3. Oh those pesky wing nuts! :) I sometimes find parts from the plow in the spring after snow melt. Gene almost always know where it came from because he's had to replace it at some point before the melt!
