Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Big Smiles!

  YES, there were big smiles all around as our world traveler found her way back to the Center today!  It was a time for hugs and stories and catching up on all the news.

  And, just as Carol promised on Monday, we had a pile of variegated yarn just waiting to become Straw Loom Kits.  Some of this is from the donation that Carol received, and some of this came from the Tuesday Weavers.  But, it will all become kits to sell upstairs in the shop.

  Carl and Allan got the straws ready, and the ladies started threading the warp through the straws.

  Over at the counter, Julia and Tina were busy winding the multi-colored yarn into balls for the kits.

Carol is still working on the final inventory from the show.....here a list, there a list!

  And, after lunch, we had sharing time.  You can see Marie's scarves in her lap.  She's been very busy!

Tina brought some of her treasures from her trip.   LOVE the fabric!!!!

We finished up a bunch of Kits, and restocked upstairs.  The rest got stored until another day, when we'll hit it again and make more.

  Marie got back to winding her towel warp.  It was her first time on the warping mill. She'll be warping her loom next week!

  It was a quieter day than usual in the Studio, but we wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Weaving!



  1. Still look pretty fun even with a few less weavers on hand. Welcome back globe trotter! And Happy Thanksgiving to ALL!

  2. I totally forgot about doing the straw looms today - sorry about that.

    When I woke to the pouring rain this morning all I could think of was my need to carry all the donations that had accumulated on my loom out to the annex, I didn't want to shlep in the rain so I just pulled the covers up over my head.

    Welcome home Tina!!!!!

  3. Tina, glad you are back safe and sound.
    Happy Thanksgiving to all.

  4. Can some one please tell us dummies what Straw loom kits are, I've looked every where for some thing on them.
