Thursday, November 7, 2013

A Little of This 'n That

  I was at the Museum of Appalachia for a little while today.  There were 250 4th graders wandering over the grounds.  This was part of the Anderson County School Days, and the students were going from one area to another.  Each area had a "Teacher" that had specific set of objectives for the students to talk about.  The loom house was not really on the agenda, but several students came in to see what the noise was all about.  I wove in two sticks and cut off the two rugs that were woven.  Then it was time to start a new rug.

  This fabric is from a roll that I got in one of my loom buys.  It has a muted print and that great selvedge!  I may have to keep this one!  I can almost feel this under my toes!!!
  And, I bet that my kitties will think this is the best rug EVER!!!

  There was a roaring fire in the hearth at the Peter's Cabin next door.  I went over for a few minutes and warmed up this morning.  With my wool wrap, I actually was in good shape....but the fire was nice!

  But, I'm home for the evening, and this warp is going on Parker Pup.  It's a test warp for purse lining for a friend's handspun purses/totes.  My Japanese maple is right outside the window where I'll be working....such a lovely sight.

  This is just a shameless plug for my weaving friends at the Center.  If you are going to be in the Knoxville area next week, November 15-17, you should plan to drop by the show.  The Tuesday Weavers will be right next to Carol's booth.....lots and lots of lovely handwoven items!!!!
  (I'm taking this year off....I just need to recharge my batteries!)

  As it stands, I do need to pull some of the stuff they want to use for the booth....I think it is all still in the tub from last November!  LOL!!!

Happy Weaving!


  1. Not on the agenda? Weaving should be taught in elementary schools! We need to crusade for this! They would have learned a lot from "Ms. LouAnn!" The selvedge-y rug looks wonderful for toe-dipping.

  2. Love those rugs. I believe that one has your name on it. About time for you to take some down time. Relax and enjoy the fall.
    Hope to see you guys soon.
