Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Just Another Tuesday

WOW!  Another new weaver!
A big TW welcome to Jocelyn....she even brought her own table loom!

  Marie said today that there have been 10 new weavers in the last year (since she and Linda started weaving with us.)

  Karin and Julia seem to be getting along just fine!!!!  And, you can see that Carol quickly got Jocelyn back to the warping board to wind her very first warp!

  At one time or another, we were all new weavers....right?  Cathy and Margi joined us this year, too!  (We would have to call Linda an experienced weaver, though.)  Roz has branched out to weaving with school children.  Just sharing the love..........

And, speaking of sharing, Pat helped Ann cut the drapery into strips for a new rug.  (Maggie blogged about Ann sewing the panels together last Wednesday.)

Then, it's to the loom to weave another rug.
  Carl finished another rug today...and took home more jeans to sew together for next week.

  Marie, Betsy and Linda got in some weaving time today.  We've got another show in a few weeks, so those place mats and table runners will come in handy.

   Marie got to the end of her runner, and cut that warp off the loom.  I wonder what will go on that loom next?

  And, LaDonna cut off the shawl warp on her rigid heddle.

 Guess what else came off the loom............

  Maggie cut off three coverlets today!!!!    ***Applause, please!*****
Pat is going to take over weaving the rest of the coverlets.....is there three or four still left?  Hummmmm......
They are beautiful!!!!

Bragging rights belong to Pat....she wove six yards of fabric, and brought it to share today.  The camera did not pick up the golden threads that dance on surface.  Now, Pat has to decide what this fabric will be......

I missed getting Christy, Judy and Linda in pictures today, but I didn't miss this opportunity to capture Cindy threading her warp.  She LOVES it when I catch her at weird angles!!!!  (Not!)

Just another Tuesday at the Appalachian Arts Craft Center!

Happy Weaving!


  1. I missed Marie's cutting off ceremony! All told, it was a colorful day!

  2. As I sweat on the other side of the world, I am jealous of your long sleeves, and warm cover ups! Lovely work everybody! I hope to be back sometime next month.
