Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy All Hallows Eve

From ghoulies and ghosties,
And long leggedy beasties,
And things that go bump in the night,
Good Lord, deliver us!
.....Scottish Prayer

***Just for the record, cats are NOT like dogs.  They do NOT stay on command.  Therefore, my elaborate set up for her photo shoot did not happen.  And, you can tell from Sweetie's face that she was not amused.

 Despite the wet weather this morning, it is looking more like Halloween with the fall colors finally making an appearance.  
  I had some visitors from Scotland at the Loom House yesterday, and we had a lively conversation.  They agree that East Tennessee has a lot in common with the Highlands of Scotland.

That includes the Highland bull that is out in the front field!

  Since the weather is changing, that means there will be a wee chill in the air by son's wedding day.  
  I did what any good weaver would do....I threw a warp on my loom for a shawl to match my dress.  This yarn is self striped, and I was looking forward to seeing how it wove up on the loom.

I really like how the colors slowly change and play with the stripes.  And, it's been quick to weave so far.
  That will be my project for the rest of the day....after I get home from running errands, that is.  It's going to be a busy next few days!

Happy Weaving!

1 comment:

  1. What? Do you know a dog that stays on command? I don't!
    That shawl is going to make you upstage the bride! Careful!
    Have a fabulous wedding weekend!
