Carol welcomed a new weaver today: Karin is a knitter who was ready to take the next step. She and Julia knit together at our local Clinch River Yarn Shop in Clinton.
Carol also took the time to do some problem solving with Marie. Cindy, Christy and Eiko listened in for weaving tips.
Just before the weaving lesson, Cindy presented Marie with a new pair of gloves to replace those used on Saturday.
Marie had also brought her Lady Vol towel to show the group. The colors are just right!!!!
Patty, our not-so-new weaver, has finished her first warp. She brought the finished pieces to share with the group.
Now, Karin knows what she has to look forward to!!!
Tina dropped by to bring the necessary bookkeeping items for the group to have while she's out of the country. Of course we all had to spend some quality time with her!!!!
Just look at all of that BUSY!
From Margi cutting strips to Andy, Roz, Cindy, Eiko, Ms. Ila and LaDonna just working away!
Here's an overlook at the big looms: Maggie on her coverlets, Ann and Carl on the barn looms, and Marie at her loom.
Betsy had a rare moment: she came out exactly right on her fabric weft to finish a place mat! Now, how often does that happen????
Linda finished up one rug, and started the next one using some fabric strips.
And, since the cloth beam was getting pretty full, she cut off the items. There were 10 place mats and 3 table runners.
Christy brought in her warps that she dyed on Saturday! She admitted that she used fans to help them dry. (We had a damp Labor Day weekend!)
We were so glad to see Bonnie for a little while today. She's smack-dab in the middle of moving, but took a little break with Mollie today. It's always good to see her.
We're never too busy to greet our friends!!!!
Happy Weaving!
What fun we had today!