Thursday, August 8, 2013

As It Should Be

It is way past time......

She hasn't had a warp since the early 1940's.......

  Ester is finally getting a new warp.....just two harnesses, but a warp, none the less.  I have learned a lot working on the Rocker Loom at the Museum of Appalachia, and after replacing the heddles on the LeClerc harnesses I found on eBay with twisted wire inserted eye heddles, I think I'm ready.  I wound a warp for a few rugs to start her out......this should be fun.

  I am using the raddle that came with the loom, but I will not be using any of the reeds that came with her.  I know how hard I beat when I'm weaving rugs, and I'm not going to take any chances.

  I cut the last two rugs off of the loom at the Museum last Friday.  Biscuit gave them the official okey-dokey, so I'll need to knot the fringes.  (I don't understand it, but my kitties LOVE rag rugs!) 
  I've got several lengths of decorator fabric in the dryer to be joined and cut into strips for more rugs.  Some will be for Ester, and some for the rugs at the Museum. 

  I have learned that I need to cut off the rugs after I've woven two....winding them up on the cloth beam just encourages dampness!  But, I enjoy having a rug on that loom for folks to see.

  Tina is going to help me wind on the new warp for the Rocker Loom tomorrow.  That probably means she'll be spinning on the porch while I thread the heddles. 
  That also means that we'll get to talk with lots of folks who stop by the Peter's Cabin and Loom House.
  If you're thinking that this warp isn't too long, you would be right.  With all the dampness we've had this summer, I don't want too much thread wound up on that warp beam.  This will work just fine.

  So, two new warps for two OLD looms.........that's just as it should be.

Happy Weaving!


  1. How fun! And what stories that loom could tell if she could talk!
    Can't wait to see the rugs. I bet they will be Biscuit approved too!

  2. That is so neat! Your grandma will be with you! I love how Biscuit, like Leo, seems to appear in all photos.
