Monday, July 1, 2013

A Change in Color

Normally when I do painted warps, I'm thinking color and lots of it, greens, blues, reds, yellows....lots of good color. One of the painted warps this time wasn't as colorful. Figuring it was time for a more neutral(to me) warp, the chosen colors were more earthtone, browns, deeper reds, etc. It all worked out well except one color didn't really turn out as expected. The nutmeg pretty much washed out. It was such a pretty color to begin with, too!!
So part of the warp is much lighter but it all worked out in the end.
When planning the weft skeins, I generally paint one the same as the warp. Here again, the nutmeg didn't take as well.
 In reality it's not as white as in the picture, but it sure is light and not nutmeg to me at all! I"ll have to make a note of it so that if I want something very light, this would work, otherwise, forget it. I'll try to double the strength next time too, altho it was pretty dark on there when I painted it on!
 Using a much darker tone'd weft helped tone down that lighter part of the warp.
 I really like the way this one turned out.
What if I wove with a combination of purples and greens, kind of muted colors?
 Sure changed the reds in the warp! I do like it!!
That's the last warp I'll be weaving for about 2 months.
My summer's really busy, as always. I've got finishing to do on the pieces I've woven and plans to use some leftover handwoven fabrics to complete a couple of projects but other than that, that's it! This week I will have to start making nametags, if I ever get the tags and the holders....our convention is in a week and this is crunch time for getting ready for all the musicians heading to Nashville for the Chet Atkins Appreciation Society convention. Wish me luck! Going to Midwest Weavers Conference really put me behind in getting ready for CAAS but it's sure worth it when you figure on all the things learnt at a good conference!!
Until next week, keep weaving for me!!


  1. I was thinking it was almost time for your trip to Nashville! You finished that warp just in time!

  2. I love to see the colors interact!

  3. I like that one with the purple also.
