Monday, June 10, 2013

Lots of Color

This past week I wove off that black warp. It was a long one and will result in several pieces that will be lovely and sell but just too boring to take a picture!  I'm always glad when black comes off the loom.
A few weeks ago we had a dye day at Norris. Loads of fun!! I decided to weave the warps now before summer already and see how they turn out. I finished the one warp and the other one is on the loom but I didn't have time this weekend to finish weaving it so that will have to be pictures for next week!!
So here's that bright red, yellow and blue with purple and green warp.
The first vest was woven with the same colors as the side warp.
It's pretty bright, red, yellow and blue.
 The second one is a bit more muted. It's the center colors of green and purple.
 The colors are more muted.
 The third vest was toned down even more with muted colors as the weft.
 There are lots of greens in this weft.
I think it'll be interesting to put the 3 vests side by side and see how they look as a group. Each will be different inspite of being that same warp!
The new warp is earth tones and will be fun to weave later today!
So, this week begins my summer schedule. I will be so in and out all summer. I may end up missing a week of posting here or there but I take my laptop with me when I travel and will endeavor to post when I can, depending on the signal!
It starts Friday. I'm leaving early that morning to head to Kansas for Midwest Weavers Conference! Of course I'm going to the preconference this week I have to get my warp on the loom. I'm taking Robyn Spady's class!! She's a good! teacher and we'll come out with wonderful samples and lots of notes!
I'll let you know what I find on the way!!
Til next week, keep weaving!


  1. The painted warps are always interesting. I can't wait to see the finished vests from these warps!

  2. I love them all. Will make very nice and different vests.
