Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Yarn Under Tension.....

plays nice!

Marie continued to wind the skeins of yarn for La Donna's shawls.

Judy is working on our Signature Ellen's Pattern place mats!

 Cindy is going great guns on these huge hand towels!

Carl is a rock at the Rug Loom in the Corner!

 I think I heard Andy say she had one more towel to go on this warp!

La Donna finished this shawl up today, and will be bringing the loom back with a new warp on it next time she comes!

 Lou Ann finished sleying the reed today and tied on, next week we will get the treadles just right and she will be ready to throw the shuttle!

Linda's rug warp is waiting for her to come back from vacation!

Judy is continuing on with the black placemat/table runner warp!

Bonnie is wowing us all with her rosepath runners!

 Shirley made me wait until she had fixed an error before I could take this picture of her table runner!

I somehow missed taking a picture of Eiko and Ila working on their scarves, and I totally did not get a picture of Maggie tying the coverlet warp back on!

It may have been because it was pot luck day, and a lot of us brought desserts!

There was a ton of food and a lot of chatter going on, in the midst of it all today, Carol managed to get a yarn order together!

If you are ever in the neighborhood, Norris Tn., come by and see us some Tuesday, we would love it!

Until next time, Happy Weaving, Tina, for all!


  1. Judy's weaving the natural on white warp. It's Betsy that's got that colorful fabric to weave on the black warp. It's waiting for her to come back as well. Guess some people just extended the holiday a bit. I'm glad for them!!

  2. I did not see you taking pictures. You must have buzzed around fast. It was a great day.
