Wednesday, May 22, 2013

I've Been Outside

Chez Moi
 Sometimes I miss Tuesday Weaving, and sometimes I forget to blog on Wednesdays, but these past few weeks, I feel that I must be forgiven.  I have been working in the yards, front, back and sides, digging deeply and planting a lot.

 It's that perfect time of year, with the weather cooperating with me, to be outside planting.  I'm getting near the finishing touches for the season, but felt there was something missing.  LouAnn and I went on a road trip to get those last items.  We went to Cookeville, to Johnson Nursery (‎),
 where I had purchased a climbing rose last year.  I wanted some 
more climbers to go on the south facing wall of the garage.  I 
haven't been able to find any in Knoxville, so we made the trip
out west.  
  We got there too late in the season to have many to choose from
but I like these red ones.  They don't have much scent, but they
are a true red.  I hope to get them in the ground tomorrow after 
work, but know it's more likely they'll get there on Sunday 
Leo checks out the side yard.

I've been working on the side garden, too, replacing the hedge bit by bit.  I don't want it to be a hedge, but want a delineation between the houses.  I've got azaleas, dappled willows--my new fave--witch hazel and rhododendrons in the shady part, then rose of Sharons, flame azalea and perennial hibiscus in the sunny part.

 Hollyhocks have shot up on the side yard, too, after hanging out low to the ground last year.  They're just about ready to bloom.

 The vegetable garden continues to change, especially in the areas where things planted by seed never came up. It's been enlarged to have a bigger herb garden, a lavender "grove," and even more tomatoes.  I really like tomatoes. I even have first tomato baby photos.
first tomatoes!
 The peonies have bloomed and gone, but not before their beauty was documented!  I got a new one this year, a pale pink number to go with the hot pinks and white ones.

Last but not least, the foxgloves I'd forgotten I'd planted in the front flower beds have sprung up and bloomed.  Don't you love the inside of them?  They're creepy and unusual but still beautiful!
  Blogger has been unusually obnoxious this evening, and I feel as if I've wrestled an unwilling beast, so it's time to say goodnight and wish you all happy weaving, gardening and a wonderful mid-spring!


  1. The Garden Center is amazing....thanks for taking me along! Now, I'm on a quest for a foxglove.

  2. You have a beautiful , flower filled yard! It is worth all that work!

  3. Beautiful flowers. Gardens are great.
