Thursday, April 4, 2013

One Thing Leads To Another

Take one loom that is ready to weave.

Add one load of donated blue jeans.

Take the jeans apart.

Join the legs of the jeans, using the straight side seam as the guide.  (I joined 11 legs.)  By the way, I overlap the edges and sew twice.
 Join the ends of the long strip that is offset the width you want your strips.

Clean off the kitchen table and clamp on the rag cutter......and start cutting those strips!

Wind the cut strips into a ball OR wind on your rag shuttle.  This ball weighed 1 1/2 pounds!

You're ready to weave a rug.....

You already know all of this, right?  I have worked on the jeans that Tina donated to me, and decided that John would appreciate a little action since it's raining like crazy.  There is still some denim to cut from the long strips since it doesn't come out even.  But, this will get me started.
  What will be your rainy day activity?
Happy Weaving!


  1. That is a huge ball of blue jeans! I am glad the jeans are getting used!

  2. That is a lot of jeans. I bet John will be glad to get some use.
