Monday, February 4, 2013

More Quirky Weather!

First of all, the weather here has been as quirky as ever!! 
Saturday mornings we like to drive up to Cracker Barrel for breakfast. We live a few miles south of I-40. The Cracker Barrel is a few miles north of the interstate. We had no snow Saturday at our house. As we headed north of I-40 onto I-75, the ground was covered with snow. It snowed most of the time we were at Cracker Barrel. It looked like it could get really bad on the roads, except they'd treated alot of them. We went on to Walmart and then back home. There was still snow on the ground up there but no snow at all south of the interstate. Only in Knoxville....
Then yesterday morning we woke to snow. By some miracle, our street had been treated on Friday when they were treating the roads. We're on a tertiary road so never get any extra but this time we did! Good thing because we had to head out at 8am and get down the hills to the secondary and then main roads! Others had to really be careful because they had ice on their streets. By noon when we came out of church, everything gone and dry! Only in Knoxville....

So what's been on my weaving plate this week? I had that royal blue warp on the loom. A lady had contacted me in fall about replacing a jacket she had lost in Katrina. Now was the time. So this is my answer to fur. The yarn isn't available anymore but I still have a few balls left so was able to weave it for her.
 It's a real pain because you weave 3 rows of plain weave with your weft, then lift just harness 4 and weave the fringe yarn. You can't just beat it in. You have to pull each bunch of fringe out from between the warp strands with a crochet hook. You could use your fingers but the crochet hook is much faster! It'll be a lot of fun too when I've washed it and need to cut up the front of the jacket and neck. I'll be glad when this project is done. I don't weave these jackets anymore unless someone wants one.
 That loom is empty and so is Thelma where the towels were on. I haven't finished the towels yet. Should have pictures of them next week. So this week I need to get new warps on both looms. I have plans!
When I have a few minutes I head up to the dining room where I have my old trusty 1130 set up to quilt small throws. This is a wallhanging I made awhile back but haven't had time to quilt yet. I've about finished all the stitch in the ditch quilting with my walking foot. Next will be changing to do free motion quilting. There are alot of areas where that will be appropriate. I'll change top threads for that too, in order to blend it all in.
I'd like to get this quilt done this week as well but am not terribly optimistic about my free time to be able to do that!
So that's been the week. This week the weather's supposed to be better. Rain, not snow! High in the 40s. I can handle that! I have only a couple of days to spend in the studio so had better get on it and find the yarn to wind that rug warp I've been planning to put on Nilus and the yarn for the placemat warp on Thelma. Must be my off month for weaving, whatever I feel like instead of production. That reminds me, I'd better get my yarn order going for the pieces I need to weave for shows this year.....
Until next week, keep weaving!


  1. You have lots to do to keep you busy.

  2. Sometimes that novelty yarn comes in handy doesn't it! I think it will be really interesting in a top! Any chance you are going to bring it tomorrow to the Center?


  3. Rugs & place mats during your off time....sounds like a plan!
