Thursday, February 14, 2013

Love, Love, Love

  To some, this might look like a tangled mess.  But, to me, it's the beginning of a few projects!!!!
  When my kids were little, we used to play a game with them while we were waiting in restaurants.  "How many things can you do with this?"   Everyday objects can have many uses and be used in a multitude of ways.  They were quite good at this, by the way! 
  My stash of thrums was getting rather unruly, so I dumped them all out on the bed and started sorting by pleasing color groups.  Every bag that I opened got resorted with another group.  This is just a small sampling of the yarns I have received so far, but I bet you already have thought of some projects you might like to do!  I LOVE all the different colors and textures.  I know that some of these will be respun into art yarn....but some of this might we woven into a mixed yarn scarf.    So, stay tuned for further developments!

  I spent the weekend finishing up some projects.  The table runner for my niece is now in Shirley's capable hands.  And, I wove and finished up two tote bags.  I really enjoyed watching the colors play on this tote.
  John is looking so sad right now since I haven't tied the warp back on just yet.  I'll just put that on my to-do list (with everything else!)

  Mz. Emily got a spa treatment after the runner was cut off the loom.  I noticed that I had some shafts that were sticking, so everything got cleaned and oiled.  I'm sure she would love another project real soon!  (And, I just so happen to have a summer winter project that would LOVE to get woven!)

  So, on this day of LOVE (which also means that we are half way through February) take some time to do something that YOU love to do!  And, be sure to say, "I Love You" to those you love.
  Spring is just around the corner.  Be sure to notice those little signs that are all around you!

Happy Weaving!
Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. My bulbs are up and trying to bloom, too! What a yummy pile of thrums you have!

  2. What a great pile of color! Sounds you are as busy as I am!

  3. Blooming bulbs! Oh now that was just plain mean! We still have two feet of snow where the bulbs might be. There should be some sort of award for people who go through and organize and use thrums. It should be big and shiny! I know you will put those all to good use.
