Tuesday, February 19, 2013


If you listened very carefully today, you would have heard that little hum....it was the hum of all the little weaver bees at the Center!!!!

  Of course, we were missing a few of our weavers...especially Carl.  Tina and I stopped at the hospital to visit with him on our way home, and they are taking great care of him.  That mean ole stomach virus has really been busy in this neck of the woods!

   Bonnie is working on plans for her new warp...and of course, catching up on all the news.  Linda brought her table loom to work on scarves for her shows.

We had another donation of jeans and fabric to  the group.  They always come in handy!

  Then it was time to get to work twisting fringes.  Christy has done this before, but this was Bonnie's first time using the twister.  It does seem to go faster when you have someone to chat with while you work.

How would you caption this photo????

I should explain:  Lanny was having lots of trouble with the tension on this warp.  The solution would be to chain it off and rewind it on the back beam so that it is nice and even. 

"You want me to do WHAT????"

"Ask me how I know that."

Threading error?  Say it isn't so!!!

But, yes, there is a wee little error, which can be easily fixed.  In the meantime, the sample can be used for little pockets. 
  And, we found out today that the Museum of Appalachia's Fall Homecoming will be October 10-13.  It's the right time to be thinking about what we'll have for the booth.

This is the warp that Shirley was winding last week.  Just look at those beautiful colors!

It's so great to see the weavers working together to get the warps on the loom!

If you heard a strange machine noise today, it belonged to Andy's bobbin winder!!!!  Yes, sireee, Judy was winding bobbins in the kitchen!  And, yes, that is a mixer!!!!
  That tangle of yarn was NOT from the mixer....it just happened.  But, Andy is almost ready to wind on her warp.

  We have an author in our midst:  Lanny.  He brought copies of his book, The Reformation In Scotland, which is hot off the press.

(He even autographed copies!!!!)

Around and around it goes....but Tina is getting close to getting all the bouts wound for the 30 yard dish towel warp.  And, we have 4 cones of the white 8/2 on the way from the Yarn Barn. 

Our little hive was truly buzzing with activity all day. 

Lots of happy weaving!


  1. Carl's corner was much to quiet! He doesn't say much but he can sure beat that rug weft in!

  2. A wonderful day. Lots got done. Lots more to do.

  3. I am in delighted awe when I see how well you all work together and what fun you have. Fiber artists are NICE people!
