Thursday, February 28, 2013

Goodbye February!!!

  I'm really not "wishing my life away," but I AM ready for a change of seasons!  After last week's crazy, this week has just been busy.  That means I didn't get any loom time, just a bunch of little jobs that needed to be done.
  For instance, these bags were woven at the Center...Bonnie wove two and I finished up the warp.  This has been my project the last two days.  My plan is to finish today, and they'll go to the Center on Tuesday.

  We are getting a head start on making our Straw Loom kits before things get too busy.  The weavers are contributing a skein of yarn, which makes two kits.  A few a week, and we'll be ready for the Museum of Appalachia in October.  That will mean that I'm NOT making kits like a crazy woman to bring to the Museum.
  This is my cart that I have set up with my winding tools, as well as my rag cutter.  It was a microwave cart, but it works great for my tool cart.  My plan is to wind off the balls as the yarn comes in.  When I get a few done, I'll print the instructions and add the straws, and they'll be done. 

  But, THIS is where my head is today....wanting to get some of these started!  I'm so ready for fresh homegrown spinach and lettuce.  And, my eyes are longing for the bright colors in the flower beds. 
  I sent the big weed eater to the spa yesterday so it will be ready to clear some of the overgrown areas.  And, there are so many beds that need cleaning outside. 
  So, while it warms up and drys out a little outside, I'll keep getting some of these projects finished up on the inside.  (Would you believe we're having snow flurries today???)

  Taxes still have to be done, and the reports for the state will be due, too.  I'm so glad that I have four looms warped with projects that I can just sit and weave for a bit without having to start anything new right now.  This doesn't make for great blogging news, but I think it will keep me sane.  And, that's a good thing, right?
Happy Weaving!


  1. We are dyeing at the center! Wish you could see all the great colors!

  2. Staying sane is a good thing. I had forgotten about those bags that we had done. That has been a while back.
    Oh, yes. Dying is going on at the center today.

  3. I have been thinking of lettuce too! It is that time of year isn't it!

  4. Thank goodness for weaving, eh? It helps keep us centered!
