Thursday, November 8, 2012

A Little Help From My Friends

  Just in case you didn't already know this, I love Tuesdays!!!  There are numerous reasons for this, but I always look forward to my time at the Center each week.
  Case in point:  look at what came home with me this Tuesday.  This isn't's treasure!  Treasure in the form of thrums!

  And, Pat gifted me with more pockets!  (Those black pockets are a real prize!  I don't have a lot of those and some of the totes need a pocket that isn't blue denim.) 

  And, it's not unusual to come home with stray "knots" of thrums that have been placed in my TW bag on any given Tuesday.  I'm one lucky weaver/spinner.

  I am so glad we have this community of fiber folks!  And, as I get ready for the Foothills show next week, I'm really glad we do this together as a group!  I would never have enough to do a booth by myself!
  Since we started our blog a few years ago (we're coming up on our anniversary!) we have "met" many more bloggers that we feel we know.  If you're like me, I read a lot a blogs, but I don't always leave a comment.  I feel really lucky to have actually met a couple of the folks on our blog list.
  I was reading Michelle's blog earlier in the week,Boulderneigh , and she was talking about leaving comments.  She said, "Comments are kind of like smiles; they take so little time and effort but can do so much to brighten the lives of others."  So, for the first time, I left a comment to let her know how much I enjoy her blog.  (She has all of those cute sheep/lamb pictures!!!)
  I can see on the Tracker that we get visitors from all over the world....there are a LOT of weavers out there!!!  I sure wish you'd take a moment to say "hi" or "hola" or "bonjour" or "hej" or guten tag." get the idea!   I can always use a smile from my friends.

Happy Weaving!


  1. I check a whole list of blogs every time I get a chance and am always sure to find something interested (as well as a new post) on this blog. Thanks so much!

    1. Tauria...thank you for taking the time to comment! It's nice to hear from you.

  2. I know just what you mean, LouAnn! When I post, I keep checking back to see if anyone's commented! You, Bonnie and Tina are my faithful commenters! And there are others who check in once in a while, but it's always nice to know you're sending a message to more than just the electronic void!

    1. know I love to read your posts!!! (Especially the yummy ones!)

  3. Look at all those goodies, and it's always interesting to see where they pop up! And I promise to do a better job of commenting. I almost always read, but sometimes, I remain silent and it sure isn't because the posts aren't interesting they are, and fun too.
