Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Is it Wednesday Already???

Another busy week, with just one day off since I last wrote, and I spent that at the Center, cleaning a loom and finishing one more huck lace dinner napkin!  Whew!
  The cookbook release party was Monday night, and here's a photo of the dessert, Banana Pudding with Peanut Butter Cookies.  I always capitalize dessert names, as though they're going on a menu.  Habit.
  Anyway, tomorrow I'm starting a three day class on beginning tapestry with Tommye McClure Scanlon, and I'm super excited!  But I just got home from work, am hungry and must eat before I get rest!
  Please go to our new Tuesday Weavers's facebook page and "like" us, so you can keep up with all our goings-on and shenanigans.  We promise to keep you entertained!  Have a great week, keep weaving and stay tuned for my news from the class.


  1. YUMMY!!!! What a tempting picture!!! Please let us know how the class is going, and tell Tommye "Hi." She's a neat lady!!!

  2. Have fun with Tommye! What a wonderful class it is going to be. :)
