Friday, October 26, 2012


Is there another word for busy?  Dear One and I left for Colorado for a conference the day after the Museum of Appalachia Homecoming.  We left very early in the morning, but I was able to do the paperwork for the Tuesday Weavers before I left!  Whew!

We got back just in time to bury a 3 week old grandbaby of one of our church Members.  (Talk about from the heights to the depths!)  Then the very next day my Son and his family came into town to visit for the week.  So this week we have been doing a bunch of visiting!  We went yesterday to Frozen Head State Park, and hiked a bit and had a little picnic too!

Here are kids, grandkids, cousins and second cousins.  After the picnic we went and found the playground and we stayed there until the yellow jackets ran us off!

No weaving has been going on these last 2 weeks, in fact I was so run over that I forgot to post last week!  The only crafty thing I have been able to do is to knit up that beautiful handspun that I have been posting about.

 Here it is again in all it's smooshy goodness!  I am not sure that I like it yet, I may have to re knit it to make it shorter and wider.  But before I do that I am going to wear it a little while and make sure.

That my friends is about it, this batch of kids leaves Sunday and another one comes in on Wednesday, I hope to get a little weaving done to share with you for next week, but that remains to be seen.

Until next time, Happy Weaving, Tina