Sunday, July 1, 2012

.....spinning is HOT!

  Officially it got up to 105 in Knoxville yesterday, but here on the Ridge, we were smokin'!!!!

  Maggie brought over the Louet that she had checked out from the Center early Saturday morning so that we would have an extra spinning wheel to use. (She had a really busy day planned and couldn't stay!)  But, as you can see above, the spindles were all the rage!!!!
  Sharen brought her handmade spindle, and it would be fair to say that she was really getting the hang of it before lunch! 
  Judy and Mary also got yarn spun and wound onto the spindles.

  Eiko was a quick study, too.  Draft, spin, load the yarn.....and Tina had everyone just spinning away!

Rebecca, who comes to Tuesday Knit Night, just sat and spun on her wheel while the spindles were being loaded with yarn.  I think she might like to start coming to the Tuesday Weavers this Fall!!!!  (We are a fun bunch!!!)

  Tina also demonstrated some yarn prep with the drum carder.  

  And, Sharen tried her hand at spinning with the electric spinner!  

 Although I didn't get a picture, Judy tried out making some art yarn with the Country Spinning Wheel. picture of the wonderful lunch we had!  Needless to say, we had such a wonderful variety of salads and fruit to enjoy on this HOT day.

I think we've decided that we need to spin together again...after it cools off some!!!!

Happy Spinning!


  1. I think Sharen, really liked that electric spinner! Everyone did really well, and I had fun too! Hot, and I forgot my swimming suit!

  2. Looks like fun! And is that Monkey Bread I spy on the table? Mmmmmm...

  3. I had a blast! Thank you Tina and LuAnn for a really fun day. I think everyone had a great time. Sharen

  4. LA, hat a wonderful time it must have been and the food sounds perfect for the hot day you guys must have, was it ice cold beer or ice tea at the end of the day? ;) I bet you ARE all a fun bunch. Spin on!!
