Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Just Taking Care of Business

  Morning arrival:  checking in with fellow weavers....catching up on news.
Andy is getting ready to jury in to Foothills Guild....she's getting Carol to check her items.
Shirley is back to work on the table loom.
Carl greets the weavers as he arrives.
Lanny checks in with Cindy and Ms. Ila while Eiko gets her loom ready to wind on the warp.  (It was later decided that Eiko's warp will go on the empty Wolf Pup.)

While the loom project is going on across the street at the Museum, someone else needs to make the coffee!

  Cindy has volunteered to be the Coffee Maker.  How many scoops of coffee do we need?????
  (Great job, Cindy....that was good coffee!)

  Then it was back to work threading and tying on warps.  Bonnie will be ready to wind that warp on the loom (or did she get that done today?)    That is such a colorful warp.

The fold up looms sure make it easier to have more weavers on floor looms.  We have two Wolf Pups and a Baby Wolf that fold up and are put out of the way during the week.  The table areas are in use during the rest of the week with the Quilters and different classes.

Tina brought her finished bread cloths....this is the same pattern that Allan is weaving at the Center.  The lace inserts can be a little time intensive!!!  But, Allan is doing the easier lace treadling on his cloths.
  This is a picture of the loom at the Museum before we got started on it this morning.

And, here we are after a morning of cleaning and waxing with Howard's Feed & Wax.  Brush it on....wipe the excess off.  We were ready to leave by 11:30 with our list of what to do before next week.  One thing for sure, I'm taking a broom next week!!!! 
Enjoy your week!
Happy Weaving!


  1. What a busy day for all. What a difference a little shine and polish makes on that loom. WOW

  2. So, are those looms stored outside? I need to take a field trip across the street next week!

  3. That's one happy loom now. Looks beautiful. I always wondered what went on at the center on the other days. Now I have an inkling. A busy place all the time it would seem!

  4. I'd love to take credit for those tied-on warps LouAnn, but those were Liz Spear's! I thought they were so pretty, she let me have them to wear as a "thrum scarf" for a while :-)
