Monday, June 4, 2012

Second Dyed Warp

This past week I got the other painted warp on my loom and woven off. Another 3 vests ready to be serged, washed, cut, serged, assembled and finishing touches done to.
It's always exciting to put a warp on that's been painted. Each weft was woven using a different skein of painted weft. I like to just play with colors and see what happens. I made the skeins quite large and have some left over to add to scarf warps or maybe even another vest if I paint another warp.
This warp was bamboo. The last warp I'd done was cotton and it dyed nicely but bamboo dyes like a dream. It absorbs the color nicely and was fun to work with.
This warp was wound in 5 sections. If you look closely there are 2 narrow sections dividing the 3 wider parts. The narrow sections were painted with orange and purple. The wider sections had green, teal blue, nutmet, red...all more earth tone colors.
 The first weft I wove with was a midtone of colors, including purple, a sort of olive green, brick red and a mustard yellow that LaDonna had mixed that ended up not being the right color for what she was working on but perfect for my weft!!
 This weft was purples, orange, red and a kind of pale blue. I'm not sure where the blue came from. Maybe it was that dye we mixed up that Christy brought that was old and we weren't sure how it would work.
 I liked how this piece of fabric just brightened up with that weft.
 The third vest was woven with my true earth tone colors. Teal, nutmeg and a kind of olive green with maybe a bit of that mustard yellow too.
 I'm tending to lean toward keeping this one for myself but I'm going to wait til they're finished before I decide for sure!
I'll post a picture of these and the ones I posted last week once they're finished. Both warps are off the loom and waiting their turn for the serger. I need to finish the cranberry red pieces I wove earlier first. Changing serger thread is relatively painless but still, I'd rather finish with one color completely and then change it rather than change thread every day or two.
I do have another warp on the loom. It's just barely on and ready to weave. I hope to work on it alot today. It's rugs. These are for my family in Canada. I can't wait to see how it works because I'm using old knit tops that they gave me. Should be fun!!
Until next week!


  1. What beautiful warps!!!! You sure are having fun with those (and there will be some lovely thrums, right?)

  2. Oh my! Such wonderful colors! I am looking forward to seeing them when they are sewn up.

  3. Delightful colors! What wonderful vests those will be. You are just a weaving machine!

  4. Looks like a lot of fun to see what the color comes about. Beautiful. Can't wait to see the finished vests. Yes, you will need one for yourself.

  5. Beautiful colors, and color play!
