Thursday, April 26, 2012

Life is too short .....

I have been feeling a little guilty about not blogging recently. And I did get a little grief this week from my fellow Tuesday Weavers. But I already had an idea for today's I will save "Guilt, obligation and the joys of weaving" for my next blog.

Two weeks ago, I went on a retreat at one of my favorite places on earth - the Hermitages at Valle Crucis Conference Center. Here are a few picture from an earlier stay. For more information about the hermitages check out their blog -

The Thomas Merton Hermitage - one of four on the site
The living space

A tiny but full kitchen
My porch faces into the woods
This is my forth retreat in this lovely spot. This time I was there for four nights - once again it was not long enough. My soul longs for silence and solitude - I find it here. The first two days I spent brainstorming with two friends about creative work we might do together. The last day and a half I journaled, read, journaled, hiked, slept and wove. I spent Thursday in total silence. After journaling with my morning tea I began to weave.

My warp is natural bamboo - threaded for twill. The warp had been on for at least 6 weeks. I had begun weaving with two colors - also bamboo. The pattern was a tabby and 1/3 twill - fairly simple - but I was juggling those two shuttles and having to watch my pattern. I found that it was not something I could weave while watching television with my husband.  I wasn't really enjoying it but I thought that was because I was weaving with distractions. In 6 weeks I had woven maybe 20 inches. I thought - I can do this on retreat.....

So I began to weave on Thursday morning. Watching the pattern and juggling the shuttles. I wove for an hour - ten inches - at that rate I was going to have to weave non stop all day to get the scarf finished. I wove for another fifteen minutes or so and thought - this is ridiculous. Why am I taking my precious day at the hermitage to race through something that was bringing me no joy. That is when it hit me -


So I stopped - did a few throws of tabby and hemmed stitched that puppy. Who knows what I will do with that remnant - another blog post title for another day "Weaving remnants."

Several weeks ago, when I was at Great Northern in Kalamazoo, I picked up a neutral/natural rayon chenille. I had thrown it in my bag along with some extra bobbins and a winder. I pulled out Dixon's The Handweaver' Pattern Guide and found several Hopsack patterns that looked like fun to weave - simple patterns requiring only one shuttle. Within 30 minutes I was up and running with my new scarf. Happily weaving away - no longer feeling stressed to weave. So it was time for a hike. Here is a picture of my destination - Crab Orchard Falls.
A wonderful place to sit still
After I got home I quickly finished that scarf. (sorry no photos) Then  I chose another Hopsack variation and a peach chenille. I am most of the way though the second one.
My simple - "tactiley" interesting scarf

See 43 inches done!

Sorry the photos are of such poor quality - I left my camera at the center on Tuesday.

Lesson learned -


I will try not to be such a stranger.

Be well,


  1. Yeah, Ann. You got the post done. That looks l ike a great place to get away. So true. That if you are not enjoying something, don't do it.

  2. That same theme is running thru my head as well! Lovely retreat center, I am glad you got a chance to enjoy it.

  3. I agree totally!!!! My weaving time is precious to me, and it shouldn't be spent with a project that isn't working. Sometimes our problem warps teach us the most important lessons...but we don't have to continue the torture just to prove a point. What a great place for your looks very relaxing.

  4. Ooooh! I want to be there right now! Being quiet! Thanks for sharing your stories.

  5. What a lovely place for a retreat! I wouldn't mind going away for a while!
