Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Stop the Presses!!!!

  Tina has left me a text:  her new grandson was born this morning in Texas!!!  She left early this morning and should be there later today!  Congratulations!!!!!

  Take a look at all the beautiful skeins of yarn!  Ms. Ila and LaDonna had their own Dye Day!  They are going to have a lot of fun weaving this!!!!

And, congratulations go out to LaDonna!  She received the Clinical Nursing Award at Park West Hospital.  She'll be attending the National Nurses Convention in a few months!
  Ms. Ila baked a fantastic Mandarin Orange Cake to share today in celebration of the award!  Thank you!!!!

  Bonnie finished up Pat's sample from the Guild meeting.  We all had a lively discussion about the use of table looms vs. floor looms.

Lanny's grandson, Ethan, helped him wind on the warp on his new scarf warp.  (We DO believe in starting them young!!!)  That's Allan's shirt in the right corner....I missed my chance to get a picture of him in his dapper white hat!

  Yes.....that's Carl peeking through from his loom.  He was hard at work back in his little corner of the studio.

  Judy was another weaver who worked hard on her loom all day.  Although I didn't get a picture of Roz, she was hard at work, also!!!!

  Wait a minute....there is the top of her head....and Christy is at the table, too, working on her Inkle Loom.   And, Cindy is over on the right at her loom.
  So...what's going on???
We got Pat's loom cleaned and loaded up in the back of her car this afternoon.  Then, Bonnie got the floor all cleaned and we moved some of the looms around.
  Yes....Big Bertha is coming back to the Weaving Studio!!!!
  Stay tuned!!!!

Happy Weaving!


  1. We are actually going to have a bit of room. And you got a BIG bertha shot of me from "behind".
    I did not know you were taking that.

  2. Oh, yeah. Congratulations Tina, on your new grandson.

  3. What a fun crew you are! And oh, my, how very much weaving you all get done! You should be proud of yourselves.

  4. All the weaving and yarn is beautiful but when do we get to see BABY PICTURES????

  5. I will post on Friday about the baby. Looks like you all had a big day!
