Monday, February 13, 2012


Last Thursday I flew back up to Canada to visit my Mom and sister. It's been fun! I'll be here a couple of weeks. When you pay over $800 for a ticket.........a month in have to make it pay! I did bring a few projects to work on and hope to help my sister with some of hers.
My sister doesn't weave but she has gotten into sewing quilts and we tend to egg each other on with ideas, etc. Plus, in Moose Jaw there are 2 nice quilt shops. One of them is owned by a couple of ladies who have now published 2 quilt books. I got their latest Friday, Urban Country Quilts. My sister has a couple of ideas from it already and I think I may try to sort of copy one of them as well. 

My sister has a friend who owns a long arm quilting machine. She quilted the 3 quilts I made last year for me.  The friend is in the process of moving to a different, smaller house. She decided that a bunch of denim she had collected didn't really fit into what she was doing now. So, did my sister want it? She already has a good bit that she will cut into blocks, back with flannel and sew into quilts. You know, the kind where the seams are all showing on top and clipped to fringe nicely? She didn't need these jeans.  

 I do. I have some denim at home but not a ton and they do make such wonderful rugs! So yesterday afternoon we picked them up from her place and brought them to my sister's home. Guess what I did later last night?
I'm about half done just cutting them apart, putting all the seams, etc into a garbage bag to dispose of. Not much waste there. I'm flying so can't take them home now. My sister is kind enough to store them for me til summer when I drive up.  Then I'll add them to mine, cut them into strips to sew together and weave them into rugs.

It's nice to be here with family again. Really, something to treasure. Mom's frail but still continuing to email me every day. Today is her dialysis day again. Hopefully she will have a good day. It can be tough on her, especially just before they take her off the machine. People on dialysis are real troopers. You don't even think about it, sure, dialysis, no problem. It's not quite that way. You can get serious cramps in your legs, hands, etc. esp near the end of the process each time. Is it because they are taking off too much? Who knows, just have to deal with it. And Mom does, admirably. She is my hero!
Until next week, stay warm and weave on!!


  1. I am glad to hear you made it up there okay. Are you freezing up there?

    The denim will be so nice in your rugs! Free is always good.

    Please give your mom a hug from us Tuesday Weavers. Tell her thank you for giving us such a wonderful daughter!

  2. I see POCKETS!!!! How nice of her to share her stash! Have fun with your family and putting together some new quilts!!!!

  3. Nobody can ever have too much denim. You keep warm. Have a great time with you mom and siter.

  4. Hugs to your mom, glad you can get up there again to see her and all of your family.

    Karen and Steve
    (Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard

  5. Denim rugs are my all time favorites, and free stash is always a good thing!!! Enjoy your time north of the border!!!!
