Thursday, February 9, 2012

Wanton Loom Lust

You know the feeling.  You keep going over the lines of it in your mind.  You calculate the dimensions of your studio, what can move, what can go, how much room you really need to get around them all.   You imagine the slide of the harnesses, the steady rhythm of the treadles under your feet, the slight clack of things falling back in place.
  Of course the shed will be bigger!  Certainly your work will be automatically more intricate and beautiful!  This is the loom that will make you a weaving superstar!  A legend in your guild!  Handwoven magazine will beg you for articles, telling how you did it!
  You juggle finances, decide what really needs to be paid for, calculate how long it'll take to build your savings back up.  And wait:  this is such a bargain, how can it not be a good idea?
  This loom woke me up at 3:00 this morning, made me ponder all kind of impossibilities and foolishness, and the fact is, I don't need it, don't have room for it, can't afford it and need to stop this foolishness!  If anyone has less resistance than I, contact the Tuesday Weavers!  We can put you in touch with the man who wants to sell it, this beautiful Macomber Ad-A-Harness 56-inch, four harness loom.
Happy dreaming!


  1. Ok. Sounds logical. If you sell something----it will give you some extra cash and more space. Sorry, I am not the one to talk to. It is a great deal. I love my Macomber.

  2. It is a great deal...and I, too, have had lustful loom thoughts....but, my other looms were giving me the EYE! We're a family....a very FULL family! I guess I'll just keep treadling along with what I have.

  3. LOL! thank god you are in a land far far away....Actually since I got the dual Louet looms I haven't had loom lust except if I see another Louet. Those used seem to be rare as hen's teeth. So, I'm close to safe so far....

  4. Isn't it funny how loom lust works? I saw a loom picture once and contacted the seller. When I found out the width I told her it was too narrow for my needs. Then I couldn't sleep all night! I couldn't get that loom out of my thoughts. I contacted her the next morning then drove to middle Tn to pick it up! It is the prettiest loom I have ever seen. It is a Lervad #2.

  5. Lol, Yea, if wishes were horses....
    No room here either, and definitely, not enough money, though it is a steal for the right person.
