Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Dog Ate My Homework?

Actually, the storm stopped me from posting last night!  A long line of thunderstorms came through Knoxville last night, so I had to unplug everything, right when I had planned on posting.  I hope Ann doesn't mind my posting on her morning, but I have photos I should have sent to LouAnn of the chaos in the annex before we moved everything off the floor.
  It was a dusty job, and I didn't think to take photos at the beginning, when all the spools of nylon were everywhere.  They now occupy the top shelves on both sides.  Here, we're just finishing up, filling bins with cones of wool and blended warp yarn.
  Next step is organizing it all!  We really just wanted to get it all off the floor so Alan can install the shelves down the center of the room.  Linda swept it all clean when we were done, and the room looks like a weaver's dream, full of fiber-y possibilities.

Speaking of possibilities, I learned to love the New Mexico Sunset warp again, when I mixed all the odds and ends of carpet warp LouAnn found for me.  It reminds me of a Chanel jacket, mixed but united into a lovely fabric.  I'm actually looking forward to making more place mats now!

Happy Weaving!
p.s. Sorry about all the rear shots, LouAnn! :-)


  1. It only seems fair....I've posted so many shots of the rest of the Tuesday Weavers from the back!!!! It was a big job that got done rather quickly since we just pitched in and got it done!

  2. Oh aren't dogs handy for excuses sometimes! ;) Glad you're feeling the love again for that warp. It looks marvelous!

  3. This is going to be so nice for us! We will be able to see what we want quickly with the clear totes and all that wonderful light will be nice, too!

  4. Maggie - I am thrilled. I actually wrote half of today's post last night and saved it as a document. It is now 5:15 and am just sitting down at the computer - I thought damn -it is to late to get it posted.... Saved by Maggie - yea!

    Now I have something almost ready for next week.
    Can you skip the idea of making placemats and make a vest out of the fabric you are weaving? it would be beautiful.


  5. If a vest can be made from that fabric, Maggie is the one that could do it. It s beautiful. Great job on the fabric storage. It looks great.
