Friday, December 16, 2011

Studio Day!

Normally I do my weaving on Wednesdays and Fridays, sometimes Saturday mornings are good as well.  This week however I have been getting ready for Christmas company.  On Wednesday I blogged over on Farmstead Studio about how I single handedly took on the guest room.  While I was in the middle of that process, there were several things that made their way across the landing into the main studio.

 Some of it was already there, I must admit!

I started in one corner and began to semi organize a few things.  I kept running across little bits and pieces, and I needed someplace to put them all! I had purchased an craft organizer sometime last summer that was perfect!
Screws, bolts, nuts, washers of all sizes, odd buttons and even batteries went in nicely!

It is a bit dark, but I think you can see what I mean.

Then it was time to find a place  in the closet, for the camp bed, and tackle the work table.  I found a couple of  boxes of various sizes that really helped.

Inkle loom kits and Inkle odds and ends fit to perfection.  They are now labeled and on a shelf!

With the table clear, I took a break from cleaning and cut some fabric strips for my place-mats. I also found a lighter color fabric to try on the next set!  I cut some of that too!

The darker fabric is what I am using now.  That is the second of six place-mats below.

Then it was back to work!   I dusted the table, and the looms.  I still need to vacuum, but on the whole it is done.  There are still a couple of corners that could use some attention, but at least I can walk in the room  and see where everything is!

I had to come downstairs for the sweeper, so I thought I would break for lunch and do my post.  My last big chore is to go through the pantry, (checking for expired stuff as I go,)  and see what I have and what I need to purchase to have some sort of meal plan  for the company season.

I found several things during this weeks clean up, fabric that I had forgotten  I had, boxes that I could use to organize, a couple of skirts that just need to be hemmed, my favorite reed hook, a couple of decks of cards the grand-kids will just love (they even have Santa on them),  and Lou Ann, I found that Inkle book you were looking for!

Now for the Pantry!

I hope your Holiday preparations are going well,
Until next time, Happy Weaving, Tina


  1. Yippee!!!! I haven't lost my mind after all! (Not that I have time to warp the inkle right now...but it's nice to know the book is found!) You're such a smartee getting everything organized while you get ready for company!

  2. Tina, why do your posts always make me tired? And feel like an underachiever! Seeing the floor is always a good thing.

  3. Wow, just wow. Some great organization going on there. IMHO that's the first step in the creative process. I find it freeing to have it all neat and tidy
    so I can concentrate on dreaming up and making something wonderful rather than searching for something I think I had.
