Saturday, November 26, 2011

Small Business Saturday

I don't do Black Friday.
I know that some people enjoy the thrill of the hunt....looking for great bargains....jousting with crowds!

That really turns me OFF!
  First of all, I do NOT do EARLY!
(Just ask any of the Tuesday Weavers....I'm not the first one there!)  That's not to say I don't get up just means I'm not out and about early.  I conduct most of my business in my jammies, and I like it that way!  That's one of the perks of working at home.

  Needless to say, the Appalachian Arts Craft Center is one of my favorite small businesses.  I drove up to Norris yesterday to take some cookies for the Open House that's going on all weekend.  If you aren't familiar with the Center, here's the link:
  And, although it was Friday, I did some shopping for Christmas while I was there.  There are so many unique gift items made by local's easy to find gifts for people on my list!  And, of course, there is a mountain of woven items to tempt shoppers looking for gifts and items for their home.  A mug rug with a handmade mug....instant gift!!  Just add some tea bags and biscotti and you're done!
 But, the most important thing is that when you shop at the Center, you are supporting local folks!  And, the Center can continue operating a nurturing place for artist to gather and create.
So....there's my shameless plug for the Appalachian Arts Craft Center!!!

  I'll leave you today with a shot of the bloom from the cactus....we almost missed it since it opened during the Foothills show.  And, this picture doesn't really do it justice!  You can get an idea of the size of the bloom (that's my sister's hand holding it for the picture.)

  My daughter is coming over today to help me get the tall Christmas tree up in the living room.  I didn't put it up last year because of my shoulder, and I'm excited about getting it up this year.  And, we'll start the "march of the little men" as they get in position for the holidays.  Who knows, we might decide to bake some cookies, too!
Happy Weaving!


  1. Beautiful cactus bloom!!! I would love to see a picture of the whole cactus! Is there just one bloom?

  2. No shopping for me either. I will try to keep most of my shopping - when it does happen - to small businesses. However our Santa does most of her shopping for stocking stuffers at Target. Few on my list need stuff.

  3. Whoa! That's a huge blossom! I wonder if that cactus grows from cuttings? Just wondering... :-)
