Saturday, November 5, 2011

It's the Little Things.....

  I never know if my cactus will be an "Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving or Christmas" each year.  They like to surprise me!  This year, they started putting on buds as soon as I brought them in when we got the freeze warning.  Some years they even bloom twice!
  I have four in bloom right now.

  The cactus in the bedroom greeted me with this bright red bloom and the BRIGHT fuchsia tip!

Total surprise!

  Although the poinsettias were left outside longer, they, too, have started getting their trademark colored leaves.  These plants are about five years old, and they just refuse to die!  In the old days, the yearly poinsettia would last almost through the Christmas holidays, and then DIE.  These guys get dragged outside as soon as it starts to get warm in the spring, and they stay outside until I have to bring them in when the weather gets cold.  We have a relationship now, and I'll just keep taking them in and out.
                                                                                         Then, there's road trips with special weaving friends to secure future fiber for our endeavors.  That's a lot of loopers, my friends!  I'm thinking I need some bath mats......ummmmm.  My tootsies will be delighted!  But, the first rug will be a "payment" to our friend at the mill.
  I can already tell that I need to spend some time outside to get the strings and lint off of these week is supposed to have some warm afternoons.

   It's one thing to weave the totes....and another to get them finished!  But, I'm making sure progress in that direction.  I just tag them and hang them up on the peg when they're finished.  

  So, today, I'm back at the sewing machine...I really want to get them all finished this weekend!!!

  And, in the meantime, I can enjoy the blooms provided by the cactus.  Maybe they are Foothills Cactus????

Happy Weaving!


  1. Our "Christmas Cactus" is in bloom, too. Whatever the season, they are always a cheery sight.
    I can't wait to see the loopers and the finished products!

  2. We had fun yesterday didn't we! I love the look of all those totes in a row. the splashes of red throughout are mirrored in your house plants, did you plan that?

  3. My Christmas cactus is in bloom, too. Strange.

    Yesterday was fun!

  4. What great looking tote bags. I bet they will sell. The cactus are so pretty.

  5. The totes rock! The Thanksgiving cacti are lovely.
