Monday, September 19, 2011

Production warps

When I weave my production warps, there are always a few that aren't very exciting and this past week and this week will feature those!! I finished a black warp. Now it's on to red.

 I've already got the purple wound and ready for when I get the red off.
Not everyone wants to buy something that's exciting, a combination of a lot of colors. So I need to tempt them with a more solid color. And, really, isn't it good to have a piece that you can match up to a colorful skirt, blouse or scarf?
I have a month until my next show, several interruptions between now and then and a list of things I need to weave and finish for the show.
This week I'm taking a 3 day class of bobbin lace. We've got Louise Colgan flying in from California again to teach Milanese. I love making little things. Last year I made a seahorse. I'm almost finished my second one and have to finish it today so I can use some of the bobbins for this year's project. This year it's going to be a bumble bee. Working with black thread won't be fun but I think the bee will be cute!
Otherwise, I'll be weaving as much as I can.
Guess I'll be busy!


  1. Let's face it, we all need those "core" pieces in our wardrobe that we can always depend on! The fun comes when you mix & match to make it even more special! Is that purple warp a mixed warp??? Or, is that just the way the picture's a beautiful warp!

  2. I love red! It looks like we could have a dreary, rainy week so staying in and weaving is just the thing to do.

    The bee sounds interesting. I am looking forward to seeing it.

  3. Those are my two favorite colors. They will be fun to weave up. I think make a great contribution to anybodys wardrobe.

  4. I love the fact that there is always something to tempted us no matter how long we have been working with fiber!
