Thursday, September 22, 2011

Creativity and Transformation

Like most of you I have other lives when I am not weaving. I originally wrote "another life" - but that isn't quite true it seems like I have a number of lives or at least a number of roles in this one life. One role that is going to pick up steam in the next 9 or so weeks is that of event coordinator for an Advent retreat. The retreat is called"A New Ancient Harmony."

Advent - the season of waiting - that proceeds Christmas in the church calendar. The event will be a combination of lecture and worship, music and conversation, meditation, time to create and time in nature. The keynoter is John Philip Newell, internationally known Celtic theologian, teacher and writer from Edinburgh, Scotland. To help us make sense of his teachings in our individual parts of the world is Judy Brown, Quaker poet and community facilitator. Fran McKendree and a band of incredibly talented musicians will help us create a special place. All of this will happen Dec 4-8 at Lutheridge conference Center outside of Asheville NC. Here is a link for our website

(c) RaRa Schlitt
Transforming a huge conference hall into a sacred space is always a challenge. I have a friend who is a nationally known "primitive artist." Her name is RaRa Schlitt.She lives and paints in Maryville, TN. I think of her paintings as modern day icons.  I have watched people stare at her work at retreats and go to another place ... get lost in them. 

I asked RaRa if she could paint 12 huge banners for us to use as a back drop for the stage. By huge - I mean enormous 4 feet by 8 feet.  Here are several of them - I think they are wonderful.

(c) RaRa Schlitt
On Monday my photographer, A.K. Vogel, found a great outdoor venue to do a photo shoot of the banners. I grabbed my daughter and between us we wrestled the banners on and off the side of a dilapidated barn so that we could get natural light.

The photo I leave you with is a pile of banners. Sometimes that is the way my life feels.... piled and jumbled. Throwing down one thing and then picking up the next and running with it. And yet in the midst of that pile is wholeness and gratitude. 

(c) RaRa Sclitt and A. K. Vogel

Until next time be well,


  1. It is hard to get to your loom when you're hanging on to the side of a barn!!!! It sounds like a wonderful event.

  2. A busy lady. The event sounds like it will be fun.
